

近40年来, 菠菜网比较大的平台 has hosted thousands of community members for events put on by 海菲尔德的艺术, 一个支持社区和校园艺术的非营利组织.
海菲尔德的艺术, 菠菜网比较大的平台 have a long relationship of support for each other

近40年来, 菠菜网比较大的平台 has hosted thousands of community members for events put on by 海菲尔德的艺术, 一个支持社区和校园艺术的非营利组织.

而海菲尔德艺术学院现在的名字是宾夕法尼亚州立大学威尔克斯-巴雷的标志 种秣草地的房子 在标题中, the arts organization’s earliest days happened away from the campus as a group called Back Mountain Arts, 詹尼斯·温特说, 海菲尔德的艺术财务主管. 在80年代早期, that group was about to disband when it found a new home and name through 菠菜网比较大的平台.

“我们有一个非常有创造力和雄心勃勃的校园执行官, 詹姆斯瑞恩, 谁想看到这个群体有一个家和稳定,温特回忆道. “他真的希望教职员工与社区建立联系, and he wanted the people on campus to be people the community identified with and wanted to know.”

The new group launched in 1984 with the tentative name of Mountain 海菲尔德的艺术. According to a newsletter for alumni and friends of 菠菜网比较大的平台 published in 1984, “…It is composed of community members and PSU personnel interested in pursuing the interests and goals of the recently disbanded Back Mountain Cultural Center.”

“At the time, there was not even a sign directing people how to get to 菠菜网比较大的平台. One of Jim Ryan’s goals was to have a community event at the campus every month,冬天说. That helped increase the campus’ visibility while giving exposure to various community groups at the same time.

The newly rebranded group started off with theater 表演 of three one-act Chekhov plays. Other early offerings included workshops such as wreath-making for children and jewelry-making for adults and several film, 喜剧, 1984年和1985年被称为Hayfield文化系列的音乐和戏剧活动.

自20世纪90年代初以来,温特一直担任Hayfield的艺术财务主管. 她通过丈夫加入了这个组织, 托马斯冬天, 谁在校园里教物理. She was first asked to help with balloons at one of the early summer festivals and then soon asked to become treasurer due to her knowledge of math. 詹尼斯冬天, who has worked as a tutor at the 菠菜网比较大的平台 Learning Center since 1988, 现在是夏季艺术节和家庭节日工艺展的主席, 这是艺术每年在海菲尔德举办的两场大型活动.

首届夏季艺术节, 1986年举办, 有大约25个工匠和一个几乎由所有教职员工组成的合唱团吗, 包括詹尼斯和托马斯·温特. 它还展示了食品摊贩和海菲尔德之家的旅游, 今天仍然是节日的一部分吗. 活动以校园广场舞结束.

第一个夏季节日四年后, 海菲尔德艺术中心举办了第二届大型年度活动, 家庭节日工艺展. That event is designed to provide crafters with exposure at the beginning of the holiday shopping season and to encourage residents to shop local while they browse a selection of handmade items.

这两个节日, organizers invite a variety of crafters and especially appreciate when the artisans can show the audience what they are making.

“我们尝试提供各种技能类型的良好组合, 尤其是那些能展示自己技艺的人,冬天说. “过去,我们有木雕、小麦编织、陶器等. We like to have the emphasis on the skill involved and the commitment of people to have that skill.”

海菲尔德艺术学院由大约15人组成的董事会负责监督, 包括宾夕法尼亚州立大学威尔克斯-巴雷退休人员. Jonathan Pineno, lecturer of music and art, has served as president of the organization since 2019. 作为总统, 他负责海菲尔德委员会的艺术运作, 领导小组会议, 监督 弗里德曼美术馆 并维护海菲尔德艺术网站和社交媒体.

“乔纳森非常有创造力,”温特说. “He is a composer and a performer himself and does an excellent job at maintaining connections with our surrounding high schools and art groups.”

Both Pineno and 冬天说 the relationship between 菠菜网比较大的平台 and 海菲尔德的艺术 is beneficial for both organizations.

“We have had a long history of focusing on the history of 菠菜网比较大的平台 and promoting the history of our campus. This beautiful campus and historic building are not just for the campus but for our whole area. Hayfield活动中的艺术给了我们展示它的能力,”Pineno说. “我们感谢校园为我们提供了一个举办节日的好场所, 表演, 讲座和读书.”

冬天说, “除了设施, 它给我们提供了一个地址的稳定性, 一个邮箱和一个见面的地方. 这在我们的早期尤其重要, 因为你需要一定的稳定性来建立这样一个艺术团体.”

海菲尔德艺术协会要求为参加其节日的成年人捐款2美元. 18岁以下的儿童和宾夕法尼亚州立大学的学生都是免费的. The organization also sells individual, family and business memberships to help raise money. Any proceeds are put directly back into the organization and help fund scholarships for students at 菠菜网比较大的平台. 艾琳·托马斯纪念奖学金, 以校园顾问委员会成员的名字命名, are awarded annually to academically and artistically accomplished students who demonstrate their commitment to the arts by submitting a detailed application that outlines those interests. 申请由海菲尔德艺术奖学金委员会审查.

随着时间的流逝和技术的变化, 海菲尔德艺术学院试图以各种方式与人们建立联系, 包括通过社交媒体和视频. Pineno created a YouTube channel for the organization that promotes upcoming shows and displays highlights of past events. 当疫情迫使其取消年度艺术表演时, 海菲尔德艺术中心利用社交媒体继续关注当地的手工艺者. For two years, the group offered a virtual craft fair on Facebook to connect crafters and the public. The 首页town Traditions Virtual Craft Fair featured posts about local crafters to help them gain exposure to potential buyers. The posts included links to the crafters’ websites and contact information for how to purchase an item.

海菲尔德的艺术 also provides sponsorships for WVIA as well as programs through the F.M. 柯比中心和其他艺术团体. 海菲尔德的艺术 and the Back Mountain Chamber co-sponsor the NEPA Chamber Music Society’s annual concert, 将于一月在海菲尔德公馆举行.

海菲尔德艺术学院还帮助赞助了宾夕法尼亚州立大学的威尔克斯-巴雷学院 庆祝艺术这是当地高中艺术家在校园里展示作品的活动.

“We want to support artists who live in our area and give people the opportunity to attend arts events while providing space for groups to perform in,冬天说. “我们的目标是支持工匠,为当地居民提供娱乐.”

目前,海菲尔德艺术学院正在赞助 Andrea Doria:潜入一个时代 在弗里德曼美术馆展出. An opening program for the exhibit was held during the Summer Arts Festival in August and was attended by two survivors of the Andrea Doria shipwreck.

该集团还将举行第33届会议 家庭节日工艺展 将于11月5日举行,届时将有100多名工匠参加. 一如既往地, members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the event to support local art and artists.